Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm Back

Yo I'm back. You'll hear from me later. Check up on Daniel's for now.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Days 3 & 4

I didn't post yesterday night because I was at a sleepover. YAY. Me and Nick spent 2 hours taking pics with my new camera because we can change colors or cancel out colors with it. It's like super sick with it. Check it out:
Anyways, yesterday I went to Leilani's house and helped her wash her car. Then that night, Nick and I went on a driving expedition again to visit Hunsy. Then we drove Claire all five feet back to her own house. We called Pearl but she didn't want to see us. So Nick and I played 007 for like 5 hours last night.
Today (6/7/07) I worked on the truck. Well, not really. I washed it, added anti-freeze, and added oil. Good use of time. Then I went boxing, had a nice workout. Went to Marco's for some PS2 gaming, then visited Lei.

Pogi I miss you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day 2 - Camera and Secret Mission

Today was quite whimsical. I woke up expecting to go to the beach, but I realized I had much more IMPORTANT affairs to deal with, so I went over to visit Lei. Afterwards, I came home and then went to Costco. I ate a chicken bake for lunch. Later, I went to Best Buy and bought a new digital camera. It has some sick ass features, LOOK AT THIS PICTURE! Anyhow, I went boxing today. I haven't gone in two weeks and I think I almost died. I picked up Nick from work at 9:00, and we went on a fun ass excursion. Within like an hour and 45 minutes we saw Lia, Terry, Tiffany, Claire, Alex, Alan, Brian, Chris, Albert, Ryan, and Sammie. All at different places too. That was sickness. Oh and as I was dropping off Nick at home, Debbie came by. How great (:

Monday, June 4, 2007

El Primero - Day 1

Hi guys. I'm not a high school student anymore, and today was the first day of no school for us. It was really fun. I woke up at 10:00 and went to Bayhill to buy Jamba Juice for Leilani and I. I got her an Apple Cinnamon Pretzle too. Then I went to her house. At 11:30 I went to pick up Hunsy and we drove to San Mateo to watch Knocked Up. "Don't let the door hit your vagina on the way out." - best line from the production. After we went and pigged out at Cold Stone, then acted hella street by walking into not only Transit but Turf as well. We contemplated on what to do and then we went to Talbot's to play and run around. Later we went to Coyote Point, but we didn't want to pay, so we went to the Animal Shelter to view the poor pets. It made me sad, and I felt dirty in there. We then drove around talking and bonding. I had beef and tofu for dinner. Thanks hunsy for a happy day.

B came to visit after work and we chilled at my place.