I didn't post yesterday night because I was at a sleepover. YAY. Me and Nick spent 2 hours taking pics with my new camera because we can change colors or cancel out colors with it. It's like super sick with it. Check it out:
Anyways, yesterday I went to Leilani's house and helped her wash her car. Then that night, Nick and I went on a driving expedition again to visit Hunsy. Then we drove Claire all five feet back to her own house. We called Pearl but she didn't want to see us. So Nick and I played 007 for like 5 hours last night.
Today (6/7/07) I worked on the truck. Well, not really. I washed it, added anti-freeze, and added oil. Good use of time. Then I went boxing, had a nice workout. Went to Marco's for some PS2 gaming, then visited Lei.
Pogi I miss you.